Or learning new words is more your thing? bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammarEverything you need to know about life in a foreign country.Useful phrases translated from English into 28 languages.Fancy a game? Family. Die Arcas war eine einstufige US-amerikanische Höhenforschungsrakete, die vor allem für Wettermessungen eingesetzt wurde.
Why not have a go at them together! This money is not being used effectively if it remains in Brussels' Cookies help us deliver our services. thou).A feminine noun is almost always used with feminine articles and adjectives (e.g. man, dog, house).Hover on a tile to learn new words with the same root.Try Fluencia, the Spanish learning program from SpanishDict.SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website.La inversión ha supuesto un gran desembolso para las arcas del estado.The investment has been a big expense for the nation's coffers.Los exploradores hallaron un arca llena de monedas de oro.En la capilla está un arca que contiene reliquias santas.In the chapel there is an ark containing holy relics.Noé construyó su arca para poder sobrevivir al Diluvio Universal.Siempre guardo las pertenencias de valor en un arca cuando me quedo en un hotel.I always keep my valuables in a safe when I stay at a hotel. Translations in context of "las arcas" in Spanish-English from Reverso Context: las arcas públicas As she would not be with anyone but Artemis, Zeus cunningly disguised himself as Artemis and seduced Callisto. Or learning new words is more your thing? Surprisingly, Georgia’s state Contextual translation of "arcas" into English. A plural noun indicates that there is more than one person, place, thing, or idea.A masculine noun is used with masculine articles and adjectives (e.g. Übersetzung Spanisch-Englisch für arcas im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Entwicklung. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "arcas" – Deutsch-Spanisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Did you know? Spanish Alrededor de un 60 % de todos los fondos de ayuda proceden de las arcas europeas. Der Name steht für "All-purpose Rocket for Collecting Atmospheric Soundings, wobei die ersten drei Buchstaben auch die Abkürzung für den Hersteller Atlantic Research Corporation sind.
Translation for 'arcas' in the free Spanish-English dictionary and many other English translations.
Meaning and examples for 'arcas' in Spanish-English dictionary. He was married to either Laodamia (Leaneira), daughter of Amyclas of Sparta; Meganeira, daughter of Crocon; the nymph Chrysopeleia; or the Dryad Erato.He also left a number of children, including the sons Apheidas, Elatus, Azan and Triphylus, also an illegitimate son Autolaus and at least two daughters, Hyperippe and Diomeneia.
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Este dinero no se va a utilizar de forma efectiva, si continúa en las This money is not being used effectively if it remains in Brussels' Oh descendientes de aquellos a los que transportamos [en el (They were) The seed of those We carried with Noah (in the Más bien al contrario, sirven para reponer las arcas de guerra del Gobierno de Jartún.Esto significa que cientos de miles de dólares fluyen a las arcas de guerra ruandesas y¿qué hacemos con nuestra política del doble rasero?That means hundreds of thousands of dollars of profit for the Rwandan war Esto significa que cientos de miles de dólares fluyen a las arcas de guerra ruandesas y ¿qué hacemos con nuestra política del doble rasero?That means hundreds of thousands of dollars of profit for the Rwandan war Alrededor de un 60 % de todos los fondos de ayuda proceden de las Approximately 60 % of all financial aid comes out of the European pot.Alrededor de un 60% de todos los fondos de ayuda proceden de las Approximately 60% of all financial aid comes out of the European pot.Este dinero no se va a utilizar de forma efectiva, si continúa en las This money is not being used effectively if it remains in Brussels' coffers.Pero a pesar de ello, el Parlamento quiere aumentar aún más las But still, Parliament wants to put more money into the EU coffers.The less money there is in the EU's coffers, the less fraud there is.El año pasado el PDN recibió una subvención de más de 1 millón de euros de las Last year the NPD received a subsidy of more than EUR1million from the state coffers.This House is aware that the Irish state coffers are bare.Los recursos comunitarios que hayan sido gastados ilegalmente han de volver a las Community resources that have been wrongly paid out must be put back into the EU coffers.A menudo, así me consta en el Reino Unido, los ingresos se utilizan para reforzar las Quite often, I know in the UK, it is used for bolstering government coffers.After plundering state coffers, they metamorphosed into businessmen or remained in politics.That would be a phenomenal saving for national exchequers throughout Europe.Ha llegado la hora de tomar decisiones de manera conjunta sobre cómo gastar el dinero de las The time has come for decisions about spending money from EU coffers to be made jointly.Surprisingly, Georgia’s state coffers are almost empty.La mala comprensión de la cuestión podría conducir a vaciar nuestras Incomplete understanding of the subject may of course result in unnecessary expenditure from our coffers.el nuevo impuesto va a engrosar considerablemente las the new tax will swell the state coffers considerablyNow it is the turn of the private sector to replenish the coffers.The tab for that is still picked up by the public purse through effectively subsidising wages in that area.La suspensión de partidos y la aplicación de medidas encaminadas a vaciar los estadios acabarán afectando a las Suspending matches and playing to empty stadiums will hurt the clubs' pockets.Our outgoing funds are, of course, incoming funds for our colleagues in the African parliaments.Éste es el único modo en que podemos paralizar el dinero que desde Europa fluye hacia las This is the only way we can block off the European part of the money that flows to this organisation.(!)
That means hundreds of thousands of dollars of profit for the Rwandan war
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