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I actually have to attend the parent teachers … %�쏢 It is a good practice for you to know about Casual Leave Rules before downloading the Casual Leave Performa for Haryana Govt Employees. %PDF-1.3 One of my best friends will also be the part of guests and I will meet him after a long time of around four years. brt transfer forms; c.l form | leave letter | casual leave form. Sample Leave application format for school teachers to principal due to any reason, it can be casual etc.] !B�*&���//x��u"]}��O~~�bc�l���1��+OJ��R �C�F3~��N��7���MB��p�^�}�'��~H���]!��t��iZt���!
Please Share.
Application for Casual Leave. Sample Leave application format for school teachers to principal due to any reason, it can be casual etc.
November 8, 2018 To The Principal Englishfor2day Online School and College. Sir, I need casual leave for one day from school because some of our close relatives are coming to our home by tomorrow morning (Show your cause). CL, ODL, OL* From (DD/ MM/ YY) To (DD/ MM/ YY) Total Number of days Reason
2. (���ɑ��z"��i=��臈U�7Ԋ�/��J��Ǧ��F�P:S;�6���A�?���)-"a��x$��5�p������33����D��d�,��ɳ���b(,Y���܃�q ����v��kD6�j���3��~k#��[�2loX�F���ΰȝ�eOJ�7=OULr�q��ë��/��|bl��L;A�W�0_��;($P��=]NO�ݘ*K�kr���}ǶH���WE�
Subject: Application for Casual Leave Respected Madam, It is stated that I need your kind consideration for taking the casual leave of one day.
Here is the CL application form for the Haryana Govt Employees. �q����W[5�tڨ����䤏i�]��N�a�s"�y�F�;>�`%l�>8b�a�Қk�d��=] ��_����A���b�ʙ1p�{���#�{������F�& ���~���f#�P�ӂOCb�-S��^�o���N
Name of School Name of Teacher : Designation : Pay and scale of pay : Nature and period of leave : Reason for leave : No.of leave already taken : Signature with date : Date : Place : Sanction of Headmaster. 1. Please attach relevant supporting documents for reference, if required. Date… The Principle, Institute Name… Institute Address… Sub: Application for Casual Leave.
<> ]Respectfully stating that I, (name), am teaching as the English teacher at primary level (Job designation).
Respectfully stating that I, (name), am teaching as the English teacher at primary level (Job designation). I am looking forward to your support and co-operation of the fixture teacher as well.I am (Name) student of (class 10th). I will be the only helping hand to my mom for treating all the guests and my mom asked me to get leave from the school for today.I request you to please grant me leave for one day. x���n�I��+�-3�g8}N�ޜP�Y��#��rwI��e��T�U���]�D��zp������ޛ�︬z�/'���������r�*���� Application for leave should be submitted 7 days before privileged leaves commence. 5 0 obj stream
Casual Leave Application Form for Teachers Haryana.
Application for Casual Leave. Application for Casual Leave.
Type of leave PL/EL, Sp. I write this application to inform you that I am going to file one day leave from school/college for the reason that I have to go to (Place name) for one day visit to (Place name) with my whole family (show your reason).So I request you to grant my request for leave and arrange a substitute for my place for a day i.e (Date to Date). I will be thankful to you.
[These are sample application formats for Casual Leave from School or college to Principal.
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