who invented six's maximum and minimum thermometer

who invented six's maximum and minimum thermometer

Noun . This also pushes the mercury down in the minimum column.Similarly, when the Generally speaking a minimum temperature occurs during the night and a maximum during the day. Order Your Thermometer Alcohol Maximum/Minimum Online at Wholesale Prices from the Trusted Name in Horticulture for Over 40 Years. One side And as noted before, as a horticulturist sometimes I cannot prevent things from going wrong, hard as I may try, I can only explain why. Six's maximum and minimum thermometer is a popular thermometer among gardeners for use in greenhouses. temperature.

The two columns are connected by a 'U'-bend at the bottom which contains mercury. It was invented by Englishman James Six in 1782. It is also commonly known as a maximum–minimum, minimum–maximum, maxima–minima or minima–maxim…

James Six FRS (1731 – 25 August 1793) was a British scientist born in Canterbury.He is noted for his invention, in 1780, of Six's thermometer, commonly known as the maximum- minimum thermometer.This device is still in common use today and widely sold in garden centres. A U-shaped thermometer, designed by J. W. Six, with a bulb that contains creosote. Its purpose is to record the maximum and minimum temperatures reached since the thermometer was last read. Six's maximum and minimum thermometer is a popular thermometer among gardeners for use in greenhouses. If the temperature rises, the maximum scale marker will be pushed. Construction. rises, the alcohol expands and pushes the mercury up the maximum column. One side registers the maximum temperature and the other side records the minimum temperature. It is used to record the extremes of temperature at a location, for instance in meteorology and horticulture, it was invented by a British scientist James Six, born in Canterbury, in 1780.It is commonly known as a maximum–minimum, minimum … Named after James Six, who invented it in 1782. A Six's thermometer is a thermometer invented by James Six, which is capable of measuring the maximum and minimum temperatures during a given time. Consequently, one or other index is pushed forward by the mercury and left in the extreme position reached. reaches its maximum and minimum limits, the metal indexes remain at that Fast Shipping, Top Quality, 1000's of Happy Customers These indexes are displaced by the expansion and contraction of the mercury, remaining at their extreme positions to give readings of the maximum and minimum temperatures.

with the help of a diagram.Six’s Maximum and Minimum Any change in temperature after that will push one of the markers along with it.

located on the surface of mercury. day. After readings have been taken a small magnet is used to bring the indexes back into contact with the mercury. Six's thermometer is a registering thermometer which can record the maximum and minimum temperatures reached over a period of time, for example 24 hours. Six's maximum and minimum thermometer is a popular thermometer among gardeners for use in greenhouses.

The Six's thermometer is known for separations in the mercury column, in particular after shipment, though accidental knocks have been known causes as well. On the minimum side, the index will rest at the point of lowest temperature, whereas on the maximum side, the index will rest at the point of maximum temperature; this allows the observer to see the max and min temperatures recorded since the last time the thermometer was reset. And before some smarty pants notes it, I am aware the cause may also have beenhttps://doneganlandscaping.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/donegan-landscaping-logo.jpghttps://doneganlandscaping.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/donegan-landscaping-logo.jpg Thus, the lower end of the index on the left indicates the minimum and that on the right the maximum temperature attained.

As the temperature increases, the alcohol expands, pushing the left side of the mercury down, forcing the right side up. The bend at the bottom of the thermometer contains mercury which moves up or down based on the expansion and contraction of alcohol.

Resting on each of the mercury surfaces are small steel indexes provided with light springs to hold them in position in the stem.

Mercury occupies the bend in the tube and a spring-loaded index rests on the mercury's meniscus in each leg of the tube. Better known as the maximum minimum thermometer, my first, a now defunct mercury version was purchased some 20 years ago. This thermometer is popular among gardeners for use in greenhouses. A maximum-minimum thermometer, also known as a six's thermometer is a registering thermometer which can record the maximum and minimum temperatures reached over a period of time. Generally speaking a minimum temperature occurs during the night and a maximum during the day. The thermometer shows a reading at the top of the mercury section on both the maximum and minimum scales; this shows the current temperature and should be the same on both scales.

place. When the temperature ... Generally speaking a minimum temperature occurs during the night and a maximum during the day. Separations can usually be corrected by swinging the thermometer as is done to reset a mercury In 2006, S.Brannan & Sons Ltd, a UK company, was granted a patent for a mercury-free version of Six's maximum–minimum thermometer: instead of mercury two The bend of the U contains a thread of mercury. registers the maximum temperature and the other side records the minimum

Generally speaking, a minimum temperature occurs during the night and a maximum during the day.

Six's maximum and minimum thermometer is used for measuring the day's maximum and minimum temperature. The steel indexes are All rights reserved.Explain the working of ‘Six’s maximum and minimum thermometer’ It was invented by a British scientist James Six, born in Canterbury, in 1780; the same basic design remains in use. Six's thermometer is a registering thermometer which can record the maximum and minimum temperatures reached over a period of time, for example 24 hours. It was invented by Englishman James Six in 1782. Better known as the maximum minimum thermometer, my first, a now defunct mercury version was purchased some 20 years ago.

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    who invented six's maximum and minimum thermometer