ethnic groups in pakistan pdf

ethnic groups in pakistan pdf

Feroze Ahmed, "The Language Question in Sind," in Regional Imbalances and the Re- gional Question in Pakistan, ed. This date became a symbol of resist- ance against the Punjabi-dominated West Pakistani ruling elite. Pakistani society and culture continues to develop as the interaction among these groups rises. The results show that 52% households in rural Pakistan are deprived in wealth, income, agriculture resources, health, education, social and political participation and financial hardship. In pre-modern times Pakhtunwali, the moral code of the Pathans, was the most important identity symbol. Following Bangladeshi leader Sheik Mujib ur Rahman, G. M. Syed, the nationalist leader of Sind, also advocates the crea- tion of the independent state of Sindhu Desh. The article shows that identity, originally a purely logical concept, has acquired logically inconsistent, misleading and momentous meanings in social psychology. Pakistan has various religious minorities. Functions of National Language in Afghanistan," Afghanistan [Kabul] 30:1 (June 1977), pp. Akbar S. Zaidi (Lahore: Vanguard Books, 1992); LAD: P., The Jat People are a traditional agricultural community mostly found in Pakistan and North India. This essay supports the theoretical approaches of poverty, environment, and conflict nexus and reveals that unequal development and resource scarcity deepens the The next largest groups are the Pashtuns, making up 15% of the population, and Sindhis, which make up 14% of the total population. The Muslims had a great influence on the Hindu who initially resided in the region.

The intricacies of diversity in organizations mainly stem from state policies, organizational practices or business needs. 5. Traditionally, a Pashtun must be a Muslim and adhere to Pashtunwali code thus only those with Pashtun fathers qualify also to be a Pashtun. Moreover, one defines oneself differently under different circumstances. Bengali nationalism arose in response to perceived West Pakistani domination and internal colonialism and, in 1971, led to the birth of Bangladesh. "7 Much of this interaction, through either the oral or printed word, is through language. Badshah Khan (Delhi: Hind Pocket Books, 1969). Even more important, it suggests that the provinces, which may be rearranged along ethnic and linguistic lines, should be genuinely em- powered. Sindh Province was one of the places to be influenced by Islam because of its location. 35-39; Abdul Ghaffar Khan, My Life and Struggle: Autobiography of Most languages of Pakistan are written in the Perso-Arabic script, with significant vocabulary derived from Arabic and Persian .

504-508.For South Africa, see B. Bunting, Education for Apartheid (London: South African Education Board, 1966); for NWFP, see Education Department, Evaluation Report on the Primary Pashto Textbooks Translation Project (Peshawar: Education Departmentand Saeed F. Kammi, Punjabi Zaban Naheen Mare 130-45; Clifford Geertz, "The Integrative Revolution: Primordial Sentiments and Civil Politics in the New States," in Old Societies and New States: The Quest for Modernity in Asia and Africa, ed. So an essential trait of ethnicity, but not of language community, is boundary against others. 35-39; Abdul Ghaffar Khan, My Life and Struggle: Autobiography of Badshah Khan (Delhi: Hind Pocket Books, 1969). Under these conditions, ethnicity could become a blessing and en- hance the Pakistani state's rich and diverse culture. On Pakistan, see Abdul Ghaffar Khan, "Da Sarkar Modrase o Pukhtuna," [Pashto: The government schools and the Pakhtuns], Pakhtun (August 1929), pp. Nevertheless, this attitude and these concerns are precisely the reasons for the Punjabi language movement. Soon after the independence of Pakistan, Bengalis began to feel a sense of deprivation, when Urdu was announced as the national language of Pakistan. There has been a debate as to who qualifies to be Pashtun but the widely agreed view is that Pashtuns are Eastern Iranian people who speak Pashto as their first language. 67-77. There is a vast body of international literature that defines these processes, but very little detailed empirical analysis available on rural Pakistan.

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