Topologically, the surface of a cerebral hemisphere can be regarded as a sphere with an indentation where it attaches to the midbrain.
For the use of students. Papers [C57BL/6J + several transgenic mouse lines]Parent MA, Wang L et al (2010) Identification of the Hippocampal input to medial prefrontal cortex. We examined clonal architecture and lineage relationships of the hippocampal pyramidal cells, dentate granule cells, and GABAergic interneurons. US: Springer. It is also deemed to play an influential role in spatial processing and navigation.
For an up-to-date "knowledge base" of hippocampal formation neuronal types, their biomarker profile, active and passive electrophysiological parameters, and connectivity one can refer to J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 20:11–21. Zotero The human hippocampus has a basal position in the telencephalon but, regarding its fine structure, is very much alike that of the rodent hippocampus. Development 141:2855–2865. Biol Cell 96:313–324Hosp JA, Strüber M et al (2014) Morpho-physiological criteria divide Dentate Gyrus Interneurons into classes.
Oxford University Press, USAStanfield BB, Cowan WM (1979) The morphology of the hippocampus and dentate gyrus in normal and Reeler mice. [GAD67-GFP knock-in mice]Muraoka D, Katsuama Y et al (2007) Postnatal development of entorhinodentate projection of the Neves G, Cooke FM et al (2008) Synaptic plasticity, memory and the hippocampus: a neural network approach to causality. 14). It has a distinctive, curved shape that has been likened to the sea-horse monster of Greek mythology and the ram's horns of Amun in Egyptian mythology. [Several transgenic mouse lines]Cassell MD, Brown MW (1984) The Distribution of Timm’s Stain in the Nonsulphide-perfused Human Hippocampal Formation.
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JabRef By contrast to the neocortex (Chap. Elsevier, AmsterdamRamòn Cajal S (1911) Histologie du Système Nerveux de L’Homme & des Vertébrés.
W. Engelmann, LeipzigMitsuya K, Nitta N et al (2009) Persistent zinc depletion in the mossy fiber terminals in the intrahippocampal kainate mouse model of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. RefWorks Visiting China or Thailand? In: LeDoux MS (ed) Movement disorders, 2nd edn. [mouse]Paxinos G, Watson C (2010) BrainNavigator. Categories: Encyclopedia. J Comp Neurol 311:525–536. [C57BL/6]Schambra U (2008) Prenatal mouse atlas. Reference Manager In These fibers start from the ventral part of entorhinal cortex (EC) and contain commissural (EC◀▶Hippocampus) and Perforant path (excitatory EC▶CA1, and inhibitory EC◀▶CA2Fimbria-fornix fibers are the hippocampal and subicular gateway It is also known that extracellular stimulation of Hilar mossy cells and CA3 Pyramidal cells are the main origins of However, the region known as CA4 is in fact the "deep, polymorphic layer of the dentate gyrus"In rodents, the hippocampus is positioned so that, roughly, one end is near the top of the head (the dorsal or septal end) and one end near the bottom of the head (the ventral or temporal end). Neuroscience 275:404–419. J Anat 207:271–282Oka Y, Ye M et al (2015) Thirst driving and suppressing signals encoded by distinct neural populations in the brain. Front Synaptic Neurosci. This general layout holds across the full range of mammalian species, from hedgehog to human, although the details vary. Eur J Neurosci 23:2895–2907. J Comp Neurol 303:339–354.
Stop for a deep-fried cicada on a stick! Z Zellforsch Mikrosk Anat 48:548–555. Subiculum and hippocampus. BibTeX [C57BL/6J, Beaudin SA, Singh T et al (2013) Borders and comparative Cytoarchitecture of the Perirhinal and Postrhinal Cortices in an F1 hybrid mouse.
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