That’s all that’s left of our love.”“God’s Plan,” by Harley Allen, whose own demons shortened his life, is a reminder that, no matter how much we think we’re in charge, there’s a more powerful hand at work.The final two songs are the extremes of Williams’ story, the darkest hours and the saving grace.
It’s almost hard to believe given his youth, but this will be his fifth CD since Josh began recording as a solo artist while still in his teens.
From Whitley comes his passion for heartbroken country soul. After the 2007 festival season, Vincent had to let him go.Somehow, the music never stopped.
And I had like two or three different guys come up to me at the end of their stay and say, ‘If you hadn’t of done that song, there was no way I would have stayed here.’”“Mordecai” tells of a traveling Jewish Appalachian peddler, who visits a boy’s family and along with candy, gives a lesson in empathy, reminding him that they all “pray to the God of Abraham.’ Years later, the boy recognizes some of Mordecai in his own restless wandering. Just shy of his 10th birthday, he attended the 1990 IBMA Awards show in Owensboro and his life’s path was set.“I met just about every one of my heroes,” he says.
That’s all that’s left of our love.”“God’s Plan,” by Harley Allen, whose own demons shortened his life, is a reminder that, no matter how much we think we’re in charge, there’s a more powerful hand at work.The final two songs are the extremes of Williams’ story, the darkest hours and the saving grace. “This album is different than anything Josh has done. Crowe Tribute Band performing in Nashville and Kentucky, an endeavor by Don Rigsby and Josh Williams to remember the music of The New South, particularly from the Keith Whitley era.
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