Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this Ben Jonson, Dramatist study guide and get instant access to the following:. He is generally regarded as the second most important English dramatist, after William Shakespeare. His collocations of nouns represent the unpleasant aspects of urban life, reflecting human appetites that he is at pains to condemn. 0 Reviews. Ben Jonson was born by name of Benjamin Jonson in London on June 11th, 1572, two months after his father died. Book Description: This new guide to the English renaissance's most erudite and yet most street-wise dramatist strongly asserts the theatrical brilliance of his greatest plays in performance, then and now. Ben Jonson: Dramatist pas cher : retrouvez tous les produits disponibles à l'achat dans notre catégorie livre langue etrangere
Cambridge University Press, Jul 12, 1984 - Drama - 370 pages. In Jonson, amplitude becomes a vehicle not for enrichment but for the satiric purpose of exposing vanity and excesses.
Barton traces Jonson’s practice to reveal its development over time. A second group of three plays overlaps the first somewhat but is concerned primarily with the War of the Theatres, Jonson’s literary quarrel with Thomas Dekker and John Marston. Ben Jonson, Renaissance Dramatist integrates all of Jonson’s major plays into the milieu of the turbulent years which produced them, and analyses the way each work examines the issues and challenges of those years: money, power, sex, crime, identity, gender, the theatre itself. Frequently compared with Shakespeare, he usually suffers unfairly from the comparison.
To this group belong Set primarily in urban middle- and lower-class environments, they represent the most extensive expression of Jonson’s satiric nature. The writers of the time compared Elizabeth’s reign to Augustan Rome, the period in history that most appealed to Jonson.
Significantly, she chooses to stress his reliance upon charactonyms rather than humors as she probes his creation of characters. In the plays, however, one encounters a far different tone. She has no difficulty showing that after his conversations with Scottish poet William Drummond in 1619, his attitude grew more respectful toward authors such as Michael Drayton and Shakespeare. Her critical methodology in itself reveals nothing new or even recent. His stepfather was a bricklayer, but by good fortune the boy was able to attend Westminster School. This theory, although Jonson later altered it, contributed to a narrowness that makes the characters appear mere types instead of well-rounded and complex individuals. One should note, however, that several valuable books providing general critical introductions to Jonson’s dramatic art have been published, among them: John J. Enck, Even the amplitude and energy that inform English Renaissance literature, as manifested in the catalogs of trees and flowers that enrich and ornament the poetry of Edmund Spenser and John Milton, create unusual effects in the dramas. Ben Jonson (1572-1637) produced a total of seventeen dramas, including fifteen comedies and two tragedies, and wrote portions of numerous others. In Barton’s view, this approach does less than justice to his achievement. Briefly stated, Jonson’s theory envisions characters possessing quirks or biases that influence their actions in a single direction. Anne Barton (Author) 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating. It has been commonplace to examine the plays in the light of Jonson’s own critical theory and demonstrate how he developed the comedy of humors. Barton builds a case for Jonson’s sharing in the nostalgia to account for the lyric and romantic elements in his final plays. As Instead, she selects several related themes for emphasis. Traditional foci of critics have differed somewhat from these.
Frequently compared with Shakespeare, he usually suffers unfairly from the comparison.
Ben Jonson Dramatist: Dramatist (Cambridge Paperback Library) Paperback – August 31, 1984 by Anne Barton (Author) › Visit Amazon's Anne Barton Page. In her first chapter, Barton devotes much attention to the evidence from Philip Henslowe’s
Start your 48-hour free trial and unlock all the summaries, Q&A, and analyses you need to get better grades now. The book proceeds chronologically, play by play, examining such important topics as Jonson's treatment of women, trust among individuals, father and son relationships, and proper names. Ben Jonson, Renaissance Dramatist. The Jonsonian dramatic tone owes more to classical The task is not easily accomplished, for, as her first chapter reveals, Jonson’s attitude toward Elizabethan authors, even the greatest like Edmund Spenser and Sir Philip Sidney, varied from outright contempt to grudging and highly qualified praise.
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